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Our vision is to improve the lives of adults and families with ADHD.


Our mission is to advance the accuracy of diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment for people with ADHD through patient care, research, education, and advocacy.

About David W. Goodman, MD

David W. Goodman, MD is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Upstate Medical University. He is also Director of the Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Center of Maryland and Director of Suburban Psychiatric Associates, LLC. After completing his psychiatric residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, he has continued to teach psychiatric residents at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine for 30+ years.

Dr. Goodman has presented over 600 lectures national and internationally to primary care physicians, psychiatrists, medical specialists and the public.  His psychiatric commentary has been featured on national (ABC World News, CNN Anderson Cooper 360, ESPN Sports Center, National Public Radio) and regional television around the country, PBS and national affiliate stations, national magazines (U.S. News and World Report, Wall Street Journal, New York Times,Washington Post, USA Weekend Magazine, Boston Globe, BusinessWeek) and radio interviews around the country.

Dr. Goodman has been an ADHD consultant to Major League Baseball and World Anti-Doping Agency and is now a consultant to the National Football League. As a consultant, he has evaluated and treated athletes from Division I colleges to the Olympic level athletes. He was Secretary and now Treasurer for the American Professional Society for ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD), and a former board member now consultant to the Children and Adults with ADHD Association (CHADD).

Dr. Goodman has been a Principal Investigator for multi-site Phase II and III drug trials for the treatment of adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Dr. Goodman is the lead author on the largest adult ADHD trial published and the lead author on the largest survey assessment of physician clinical practice for adults with ADHD. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, authored four book chapters and The Black Book of ADHD. He has served as a prepublication peer reviewer for several national and international psychiatric journals.



While decades of national and international research have accumulated, health care providers and patients have difficulty determining the most accurate way to make a diagnosis of ADHD in an adult.

After years of discussion amongst the adult ADHD experts, our foundation is offering the funding and collaborative support for U.S. adult ADHD guidelines for diagnosis and treatment. This initiative is now underway and we are excited to participate in its eventual publication.

Our Impact

It is estimated that 9 million adults in the U.S. have ADHD and only 25% are being currently treated. Millions of adults with a very treatable disorder go unrecognized by themselves, family members, employers, and health care providers. The costly consequences of abbreviated education, arrests, drug/alcohol use, car accidents, unplanned pregnancies, divorce, unstable employment, financial underachievement, and higher health care costs are well documented by research around the world. 

Without United States adult ADHD guidelines providing guidance to health care providers, the field remains adrift with ineffective and unproven approaches. The publication of adult ADHD guidelines will ensure that patients receive a consistently high quality of care from their providers across the United States regardless of where treatment is provided.
